With unrivalled expertise in the field of environmental technology and finance, Sino-Swiss Consulting has brought years of cutting edge know-how of Swiss technology and finance hub capacity together with worldwide institutions and authorities to tackle the vastly growing challenges of a rapidly changing global environment. Boasting a powerful industry, trading, government, and finance network, Sino-Swiss Consulting delivers sustainable results in financing, consulting and managing projects in the field of renewable energy and waste management.
Mission Statement
Steadily growing demand for quality water and clean air, mounting needs for raw materials and new energy sources, accelerating climate change, as well as rapidly increasing amounts of industrial/urban waste and pollution are at the front of pressing issues on a global scale.
Improving the management of WEEE and polymer waste, contributing to a Circular Economy, and the equilibrium between social and climate resilience, as well as enhancing resource efficiency are guiding themes of Sino-Swiss Consulting. The improvement of collection, treatment and recycling of e-waste at the end of their life is essential. Our focus is the development of incremental and sustainable production of renewable energy resources on a global scale.
Sino-Swiss Consulting provides professional service in strategically responding to these highly challenging demands, taking on the mission to improve living quality for human and nature - a platform for movement and partnerships towards climate resilience.
- Structuring, Financing Renewable Energy Projects and advising in Strategy
- Consulting and assisting Swiss companies accessing global market/venture partners and overseas companies to establish subsidiaries and operations in Switzerland.
- Sales and trading of environmental commodities, advising companies, entrepreneurs and individuals
- Bridging Eastern and Western Business, Cross-Cultural Consulting; our projects reach from the Caribean Basin over Southern Europe to East Asia
- Joint Venture Projects in the Environmental Technology Field such as Recycling, Renewable Energy (PV Solar, Wind, HydroBiomass Energy), Technology Transfer, Implementation.
Areas of Expertise
Private Equity in the Renewable Energy Industry: Sino-Swiss Consulting pursues both brokering the commissioning of existing assets, contracts and businesses as well as the development and construction of new ones, and to continuously add value to these assets and businesses in several ways:
• Putting in place optimal contractual support in the areas of equipment supply and energy sales
• Designing and implementing effective commodity risk management programs
• Executing expansion and add-on strategies
• Operational enhancements
• Optimizing the capital structure
• Positioning investments for the most attractive exit market or vehicle
The enormously accelerating capital needs of the energy and waste management industry combined with increasing capital pressures on the banking industry, which has historically served as the industry’s primary source of project finance lending, have created a new opportunity to structure attractive secured loans that include equity participation, i.e. to invest in our future-
Join us in this exciting endeavor to improve the living quality on this unique planet called Earth!